Friday, 15 July 2011

Little Intro

So, who am I and why am I doing this?  My name is Zoe Jeavons im 33 and I guess this is kind of therapy for me....I have a lot of things going on in my head and I really need a place to unleash it all!

The last couple of years have been well, horrific from my point of view, I lost my husband to Cancer in August 09 and just as I thought there was light at the end of a very long dark tunnel I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in June this year.

I guess a lot of what I put on here will relate to these events but hopefully not all of it, although they will always be a part of me now, I don't just want to be "The Widow" or "The Cancer Patient".

So lets see what happens....more to follow soon....xxxx


  1. I am so sorry for the challenges you are facing and wish you the strength to cope. I just started blogging recently as well, for the same reason as you-unleashing the ramblings in your head-so to speak. My last 6 1/2 years have been the most challenging so far in my life. Not cancer, but an injury from a car accident that has been debilitating, and during it a very unhealthy relationship-once I found the strength to end the relationship, I found I have so much to say!
    I also relate to you in not wanting to be the "widow" or "the cancer patient", and if you choose-you do not have to be that. You are a beautiful person-BELIEVE IT!
    I can be changed by what happens to me, but i refuse to be reduced by it .~ Maya Angelou

  2. Hello pink sister, I'm looking forward to reading all your posts. We are about the same age. I'm sure we will share some of the same feelings, fears and perspectives.
